Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Forest Maiden


Once as I walked upon a forest old,

I saw there stood a maiden fair:

About her a light shone gold,

And radiant as the stars above was her hair —

There I was left amazed in the cold night;

Of her, this tale I hereby write.

A rueful song she sang under a great tree;

Her heart was broken, her eyes on tears.

She sang, and sing she did till her heart was free;

This song I forgot not through the years.

Her voice was as that of a dying bird

Who sings and sings, albeit its song be not heard.

My heart was moved, and my life captivated;

For she sought back her prince’s love lost long ago

That for many a month she had left unrequited,

And now was but a vague dream covered in shadow.

I cried out loud ere her song was ended

And she looked at me as towards her I headed.

At once it so heavily dawned upon me

That ‘twas the tale of us twain she sang.

The night deepened though I can clearly see

She was the princess I loved ere time began.

I reached out to her feeble hand ,

For her I searched this wide land.

“Cry no more, my fair maiden,” I comforted.

“Your prince has come to bring you back.”

Her heart turned warm as its winter lifted;

Her grace, her beauty never did lack.

My search is over, my fair princess is with me,

And we came back betrothed to be.

Photo courtesy of

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Filed under Fantasy, Poem

The Knight-errant’s Sonnet


O maiden fair, thy beauty I behold,

Thine eyes like numerous stars twinkle bright;

Thou com’st from distant shores and lands of old,

And many men do seek thy troth to plight.

For of thy wonder the bards songs compose

And angels sing to me as I see thee

Forlorn; but no man thy distress yet knows:

That thou art sad and sadness would not flee.

Lo! Worry not dear princess fair yet frail,

I come and now I purge thee thy despair –

No longer hurt, but let thy heart unveil

Thy candour; thus with me this new bliss share.

Now come, come hither princess fair and sweet,

And take thy throne deserved at heaven’s feet.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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Filed under Fantasy, Poem